Cloud Office Sponsored Event

Google Cloud Day '24 Greece

Innovating the Future with Cloud, Data, and Security

Cloud Office is proud to be the Premier Sponsor of Google Cloud Day '24 Greece. As a leading Google Cloud partner, we are committed to empowering businesses to harness the full potential of Google Cloud’s technologies. Our expertise enables organizations to innovate, streamline operations, and secure their infrastructures with confidence, driving business growth and resilience in today’s digital landscape.

If you are passionate about building tomorrow’s innovations today, join us for a full day of technical sessions and demos and learn how Google Cloud can help you to do so. 

Google Cloud product experts and engineers will talk about the tools you need to develop, deploy, and manage data pipelines and ML models at any scale, how to run and operate securely and defend your organization’s infrastructure against emerging threats at modern scale, about building, deploying, and maintaining applications and infrastructure effortlessly on Google Cloud.

Whether you’re a cloud native or just starting your cloud journey, this event is especially designed to take your innovations to the next level.

Capacity is limited, so register your spot to be part of this unique event!

Join us on

November 21, 2024  

8:30 AM - 3:00 PM EET

National Conservatory of Athens
Mager 18, Athina 104 38

Event agenda: