Success Story

Strypes - Google Cloud Journey, powered by Cloud Office

Cloud Office has been trusted advisor across Google Workspace and Cloud Platform journeys. Ensured successful proof concepts for Workspace enterprise enhanced security, and extended consultancy services for GKE, Compute Engine and architecture.

The Challenge

With growing business needs, the goal was to strengthen even further the environment security by finding suitable cloud native endpoint management solution and advanced data loss prevention instrument. Project complexity was high due to various machines types and specific infrastructure setup. On the GCP side, guidance was needed to navigate through the forest of options available in the platform.

The Solution

For both Workspace and Google Cloud platform, Cloud Office team followed Google best practices -> run a successful proof of concept and then deploy to production. It was a successful journey to address not only the main objectives but also the corner cases Proof of concept for Workspace has been achieved by creating test environment, so all different policies and corner cases could be tested

The Result

Google Workspace Enterprise package and advanced features for endpoint management Google Credential Provider for Windows and enhanced security “Data loss prevention” have been successfully implemented and yielded expected benefits. On the architecture front, Google Cloud Compute engine and specific Docker Swarm configuration proven to be reliable solution for the business needs.



Cloud Office, the solid ground on which you can build your entire business.

Angel Petrov

IT Manager / CISO


About: Strypes

Strypes is a member of the ICT Group in the Netherlands. It employs over 1400 professionals, helping companies, products and projects develop further with smart, innovative, integrated and most of all challenging ICT solutions. Driven by challenges, ICT Group has been successful for more than 40 years. Strypes currently has 450 completed projects.




Software and Internet



About Cloud Office

Cloud Office is a Premier Google Cloud partner with a specialisation in Work Transformation and experts in Google Cloud Compute,Cloud Productivity, Digital Natives and Data Analytics.